is the meaning of life?
I think everyone has to answer that question on
their own. For me, the meaning of life isn’t one broad thing, it is discovering
the meaning of your own life – I think we all have a unique potential and we
all could leave the world with a contribution, but in order to figure this out
we must wade through some gritty stuff … lessons in pain, grief, fear, heartache,
courage, humility, kindness, and community; but most importantly, the journey of
learning and implementing self-love. Self-love is an incredibly delicate and
important process; it’s life-saving, there is an incredible peace in knowing
and accepting yourself. With that said—sadly—I think some people never get
there, maybe if our souls live on we can have a couple more tries. I like to be a dreamer and fantasize that if every living soul on earth mastered humility preceded by self-love, only then we will have found a
euphoria on earth.
is the difference between right and wrong?
When you were little and you watched someone kick a
dog , you just knew that it was wrong. We have an intuitive sense of fairness
that we don’t always cultivate and use in our lives, but I think we know a lot
about what is right and wrong from an early age. Often times our radar gets
foggy and confused as we learn self-promotion from a variety of examples—good
and bad. I guess to sum it up, I’d say: right is doing your best to make
decisions using a moral compass that you are proud of. Wrong is usually more
is your happy place?
For a long time it’s been the ice arena, I could
always go to a rink and just skate away any bits of discomfort I had tucked
away to deal with later. The air is cold and rinks have a distinct smell, I assume it’s some fume like gasoline
from the Zamboni which has accumulated and all been trapped indoors, but I just love it regardless. At the rink, as you work
to get warm, you stay refreshed and cool, there is something about practicing hot yoga or even running on a hot day that really annoys me. Skating is a form of pure enjoyment in my life. The simple graceful movements you can make gain wild opportunity with
a pair of blades attached to your feet. Speed across the ice as the friction melts and changes the surface below you. This sport I adore allows me to play an interesting little game with physics.
or Nurture?
I think both have to be at play. I think education
and knowledge are the way forward.

I have many things yet to do and accomplish, so this
answer will evolve as I age but, I hope to give something good to the world
before I leave it. I want to write and have it matter; I have spent hours
finding and harvesting the storyteller, and artist inside of me, and I hope
my madness and poetry will make a positive difference somehow. Also motherhood has always been something I wanted -- and hope I am capable of conception. I want very much to earn the right to call
myself a mentor, I’d like to help young people with the issues they face. Maybe I could create a campaign or start a movement; I'd like to help abolish the stigma attached
to mental illness and I want to somehow help my brother with self-love. I want to always explore and grow. One life, might as well.
or what is your greatest love?
My almost husband, is the love of my whole life.
Nothing has ever been so wonderful. He is kind and evolving and has every
quality people look for in a mate. He protects the ones he loves -- he
protects me; not just from danger but from pain, and from losing myself. Every
single day he indulges my true nature; he gives the real me a place and the
space to be both safe and weird. He’s
hardworking, driven and strong; he is tolerance, and loyalty. He is LOVE. I
will adore him "until my body is dust and my soul is no more."
did you last lie?
Last night,when I told myself how many calories I had consumed that day.
the supernatural exist?
A lot of things are beyond the scope of scientific understanding, my answer today ... I'm not so sure there is much use in knowing either way.
A lot of things are beyond the scope of scientific understanding, my answer today ... I'm not so sure there is much use in knowing either way.
you fatalistic?
Definitely not, “every passing moment is a chance to
turn it all around” I think we have choices to make and they shape our
experiences. I think I can’t imagine that some people have the fate for wealth
and power, while others get agony and loss, I think we, as a human race, pass
through many similar lessons disguised in different contexts and I think we
have free will. Not everything is in our hands but we do get to choose our
things, like our dreams, reactions and work ethic.
is your greatest fear?
Irrational fears are my greatest fear. I’m terrified
of driving over suspension bridges in a car for a fear of being taken by
a gust of wind over the edge only to drown stuck inside a car. Dramatic, I know, but for some reason .... I also am terrified of being trapped in a fire.
or babies?
Babies! They are so perfect and innocent and they
look amazing chubby. They have these pure little souls with a new lease on life.
Plus I’m engaged, I have a bit of baby fever at the moment.
talent do you yearn for?

I would love just snap my fingers and be a
classically trained ballerina, just looking exquisite, tall (at any height) and
to do something that isn’t a sport, just an art form, a narrative of movement,
so much grace and emotion. I think ballet dancers have the most incredible
physiques, they have so much control of their bodies and extraordinary strength
in every muscle even the unnamed periphery ones.
Do you like to be complimented?
Obviously… I was a showgirl for 10-years, I’m
currently trying to understand my life in the context of no applause. Like none
-- no one claps for me anymore.
you have a high pain threshold?
I think I do, but it’s irrelevant either way. I once
had a root canal without Novocain. Being in a highly competitive sport since I
was kid had me wishing I could have more sympathy. I think that feeling stayed
with me. I don’t mind hugs and compassion so that contradiction makes stoicism
a bit tricky. I also have lack of inner-monologue, so that’s another thing that
isn’t selling my high pain threshold.
book do you recommend most to others?
Too soon old, too late smart
by: Dr. Gordon Livingston. His advice is kind, intelligent and remarkable; he lost both of his sons within 2
years of each other, his eldest, 23 in the grips of bipolar disorder to
suicide, and the youngest 7, to leukemia. For me he’s an example not just in
his thoughtful poetic words but as a survivor. All of his books inspire me and teach me.
lesson has been the hardest to learn?
I’d say adversity isn’t doled out because people merit
it, what you suffer through, past and with doesn’t define you and it certainly
isn’t something anyone deserves, it’s just part of the whole experience. I’d
also say that the process of accepting and loving yourself is difficult; those
two were doozies.
food sums up happiness?
Dough, pie, pastries, baked goods, cookies, and sugar
mmmm….. basically anything pointless and made of lard and flour! LUCKY ME!
have you never understood?
War, especially wars fought in the name of religion.
I don’t think any war ever fought no matter if it was won or lost has ever really
changed anything. War in general is a fear-based action and it mainly just
kills hordes of people. I may sound ignorant, but it just doesn’t sit well with
me… there is no justification, of any kind, to attack and kill one another in
the name of a cause. I’d like to hope we could learn from years of devastation and begin to accomplish things with peaceful,
mutually beneficial agreements. Dr. Martin Luther King changed the world without condoning violence.
is the one thing you want to know before you die?
you scared of dying or of what happens when you die?
I’m scared of what it feels like to die… in concept,
but dying is not something any of us should spend too much time contemplating.
I know it’s a distinctly human ability to contemplate death but still it’s not helpful and it
scares us into making poor choices for ourselves.
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