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My month in Mexico (round II)

Mexico had its "dark days" because I had some parasite or animal living in my intestine for a majority of the trip, but I have managed to post some pictures of a few of my favorite moments.
My window at noon: washed out by the sunlight, 5th floor CitiExpress Puebla

Of course my Mexican Starbucks name is Carmen, I love that name!
The Catholic Church in the city center had stunning colors, artwork, and statues.
Sight seeing and shopping day.
Some goods at the local market, hand-woven blankets and hand-made pottery, GORGEOUS.
Cultural Celebrations, portrait: Frida Khalo
Karma Bagels had huge and delicious Bagel sandwiches and the interior was decorated to the nines with religious artwork. #iconic #ironic
The Virgin Mary painting inside Karma Bagels
Ongoing fascination with #BIGdoors
Me with a delicious Coca Light not to be confused with Diet Coke (#Americana) #notthesame
Please tell me the #secretrecipe (die high fructose corn syrup) 
An actual Mariachi Man giving me some tips.
And one from our show: Gorgeous Feathers! xx



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